What ıs HBOT?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment method applied by breathing 100% oxygen intermittently to a patient who is completely pressurized in a pressure chamber. HBOT is a modern and scientific treatment method supported by more than 6000 studies.
How ıs HBOT applıed?
Pressure chambers are cabins that allow patients to breathe oxygen under pressure by taking them inside. There are two types of pressure chambers, single and multi-person. In single-person pressure chambers, the pressure is usually increased by infusing pressurized oxygen, while in the multi-person pressure chamber, the pressure is increased by pressing the air inside.
In Whıch Dıseases It Is Used?
– Decompression sickness (profiteering)
– Air and gas embolism
– Carbon monoxide, cyanide poisoning, acute smoke inhalation
– Gas gangrene
– Soft tissue necrotizing infections
– Crush injuries and other acute traumatic ischemia
– Conditions in which wound healing is delayed
– Excessive blood loss
– Radiation necrosis
– Thermal burns
– Brain abs
– Sudden hearing loss